Monday, February 16, 2009

Playing Catch Up!!

Wow, it seems that times flies by too quickly to even wonder where the time even went! Since our last posting we've celebrated Ava's 4th birthday and Gracie's 2nd birthday, dressed up for Halloween, celebrated the birth of our new baby Evan, enjoyed the wonderful food at Thanksgiving, celebrated the birth of our Savior during this past Christmas season, and watched Katelin enjoy her first sleepover for her 9th birthday party. So where does time go? The only reasoning I can come up with is that of making new memories and remembering the old.

Every day that goes by we encounter something new, different, exciting...anything, that has a lasting effect on every single one of us. It's up to us to decide how we want to use our time. This year Kent and I along with our children made some individual and family goals, which we believe will help our family become closer to each other and to the Lord. We are so thankful for families and are grateful to all of you who love and support us.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I'm so happy you updated your blog! Your kids are so cute and I'm sad I'm not there to get to know Evan. I hope you're doing better with your vertigo. Feel free to visit my blog!